
‘Simpsons’ mocks Trump’s 100 days: Dead ‘Spicer,’ naked ‘Melania’


Fox’s popular animated comedy show “The Simpsons” has released a dark and biting spoof of President Donald Trump’s first 100 days in the White House – and the cartoon features a press secretary who commits suicide, a naked portrait of the first lady, infighting among Trump’s top advisers, an unlikely U.S. Supreme Court justice and a president tallying his lackluster accomplishments.

The clip begins with an image of the White House as thunder roars in the background. Through a window, viewers see a cartoon image of White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer hanging from a noose with a note pinned to his chest that says, “I quit.”

“I am NOT replacing him,” says Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway as she runs from the room.

Then the cartoon zips up a White House stairwell, where a portrait of a naked Melania Trump hangs on the wall.

At the top of the staircase, senior adviser Kushner and chief strategist Steve Bannon are engaged in a bitter brawl, choking one another.

Finally, the clip zooms to President Trump, who is sitting in bed, counting his many accomplishments in his first 100 days. He is surrounded by books, including, “Florida on $10 Million a Day” and “Killing a Good Thing,” by Bill O’Reilly.

“A hundred days in office, so many accomplishments,” Trump says. “Lowered my golf handicap. My Twitter following increased by 700. And finally, we can shoot hibernating bears. My boys will love that.”

Watch “The Simpsons” clip mocking President Trump: 



Trump is presented with a massive stack of papers as a staffer tells him, “Sir, here’s a new bill that you must read immediately. It lowers taxes for only Republicans.”

Trump asks, “Can Fox News read it and I’ll watch what they say?”

The president flips on the television, and his daughter, Ivanka Trump, can be seen taking Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat on the U.S. Supreme Court.

“Oh god, this is horrible!” says “The Simpsons” character Marge Simpson as she watches the clip on TV and swallows a large bottle full of prescription pills. “This was supposed to last me the whole four years!”

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The clip comes to an end as “Grampa” Simpson is hauled off by the feds and deported.

“One-hundred days. We are 6.8 percent of the way home,” says a news reporter. “Paid for by Anybody Else 2020.”

The online response to “The Simpsons” parody of Trump’s 100 days was mixed and included the following comments:

  • “And that’s how ‘The Simpsons’ loses a fan since 1989 in less than 2 minutes.”
  • “Naked Melania at :07? Does Baron watch this stuff?”
  • “This was supposed to be a joke video and people are being political dirtbags. I’m not even triggered by this video, and I’m a conservative Trump supporter! I found it quite amusing, actually.”
  • “I wonder what they would have done if Hillary would have won. … Oh that’s right nothing but praise no matter how poorly she was doing.”
  • “This reminds me of when ‘The Simpsons’ used to take shots at Obama. Wait.”
  • “Ah the Simpsons … a show that’s not been funny in twenty years.”
  • “Welcome to 2017, where no one can take a joke anymore.”
  • “Did the Simpsons ever crack an Obama joke? They joked on every president which was great, but then it felt like the show hit the brakes for the last 8 years because they were afraid to take a jab at Obama.”
  • “Sounds nothing like him. The show has never been funny and never will be. FOX, please cancel this bulls–t.”
  • “Trump is kicking a–, do you guys even know what your talking about?”
  • “This is hate speech! And do NOT give me this whole, ‘It is only parody!’ crap! Why didn’t ‘The Simpsons’ do animation like this about Obama? Clearly HATE SPEECH!”
  • “Of course, ‘The Simpsons’ is gonna follow the liberal media trend. Always making fun of the Republicans for actually doing something for this country.”
  • “‘The Simpsons’ is getting way too political.”

“The Simpsons” is owned by Fox Entertainment Group, a subsidiary of 21st Century Fox, the parent company of Fox News. “The Simpsons” has a history of mocking Trump. A previous clip depicted Homer Simpson getting lost in Trump’s hair.

The show also mocked Trump with a “3 a.m. call” made famous by Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign. In that clip, Trump orders his name to be added to the Lincoln Memorial, disbands NATO and demands scrambled eggs delivered on a golden plate.



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