
When mystery fatigue and joint pain are caused by a fungus

If you suffer from fatigue and joint pain, it’s possible that the underlying cause could be a hidden fungal infection… something most doctors wouldn’t think to look for.

The fungus is called candida. You may have heard of it if you’ve ever suffered a yeast infection. There are a lot of ways that you can end up with an overgrowth, including:

• Taking antibiotics

• Taking birth control pills

• Dealing with too much stress

• Eating lots of sugar or carbs

• Living with diabetes

• Drinking too much alcohol

• Having a weak immune system

And when candida grows out of control, you end up worn-out and hurting.

Fatigue is a common symptom of candidiasis. When the yeast spreads throughout your body, it causes nutritional deficiencies. Candida overgrowth has been associated with deficiencies of magnesium, vitamin B-6 and essential fatty acids — and that lack of magnesium has been linked to exhaustion.

The longer you live with candidiasis, the worse things get.

That’s when it can start affecting your joints, causing inflammation, stiffness and pain and ending with arthritis.

To treat candida overgrowth, you have to get at the root.  This usually starts with the foods you eat.

First, be sure to eliminate all of the excess sugar, refined carbs and alcohol from your diet so that you’re not feeding the candida.

Instead, eat a diet rich in fresh organic veggies and drink plenty of water to ensure your body is hydrated.

It’s also important to eat fermented foods including kefir, kimchi and sauerkraut to provide the probiotics your system needs for proper digestion and cleansing. Probiotics have been shown to both stop the growth of candida and prevent infections.

Finally, be sure to take the proper supplements to give your body the best chance of beating candida and making a full recovery.

These are:

• Milk thistle — Do you remember how we talked about antibiotics and birth control pills causing candida overgrowth? Well, unfortunately, many prescription medications like these can end up stuck in your liver. So if you want to recover from candida, you have to cleanse your liver and one of the best ways to do that is by taking a milk thistle supplement. My favorite source of milk thistle is Peak Liver Support™.

• Vitamin C — Another cause of candidiasis is a weak immune system, so you want to pump yours up with a healthy dose of vitamin C (1,000 mg two to three times per day).

• Garlic — Scientific studies have shown that allicin (the antifungal compound found in garlic) is a potent candida fighter.

• Coconut oil — The lauric acid in coconut oil is another weapon in your arsenal in the battle against candida.

Candidiasis can cause extreme fatigue and joint pain but is more often than not overlooked by medical doctors. If you’re living with exhaustion and pain that won’t go away, use the steps above to rid yourself of candida overgrowth for better health and symptom relief.



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