
Hillary slammed as ‘slave plantation white wife’

Hillary Clinton (White House photo)

Hillary Clinton (White House photo)

Sister Souljah, a rapper-turned-author, took to the forum of Time magazine to express her views on Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton – and the characterization was hardly pretty.

The rapper said she didn’t want to be taken out of context or misquoted, so she handed the Time reporter a pre-written notecard containing her thoughts on Clinton.

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“I want to control what I say so that I can be quoted properly. I have this past history of being misquoted or misunderstood,” she said, handing the card to the reporter. It read: “She reminds me too much of the slave plantation white wife of the white ‘Master.’ She talks down to people, is condescending and pandering. She even talked down to the commander in chief, President Barack Obama, while she was under his command.”

She also proferred a couple more notecards, one of which she referred to Obama as “fearful and powerless to stop his military and police force from executing innocent people based on race,” Time said.

Just in time for the 2016 election, hear Hillary Clinton say she would NOT run for president, in “Hillary Unhinged” by Thomas Kuiper

In 1992, Sister Souljah was attacked by Bill Clinton, then-Arkansas governor, for hate-filled rhetoric. He also compared her to David Duke, the former KKK Grand Wizard. Over the last few years, she’s moved from rapping to writing and has become a novelist with five titles to her name.



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