
Low sodium diets raise rather than lower blood pressure

For many years the consensus (even exceeding the “97 percent consensus” for man-caused global warming) in orthodox medicine has been that sodium intake causes high blood pressure and everyone should reduce or eliminate sodium from their diets.

Like the cholesterol myth is a monument to the lies, deceit and fraud of the pharmaceuticals and the government, so too is the sodium/blood pressure myth.

Right there on the website of the American Society for Hypertension is this advice:

Reducing the amount of sodium you consume every day is an easy way to help lower your blood pressure. You can reduce the sodium intake in your daily diet by:

(1) Avoiding foods that have a high sodium content

(2) Reducing the amount of additional salt use in meals

It is followed by this chart:

And the American Heart Association’s website offers this advice:

Many Americans have acquired a taste for a high salt diet. One way to cut back is to skip the table salt. However, most of the sodium in our diets comes from packaged, processed foods. Eating these foods less often can help reduce your sodium intake, lower your blood pressure and/or prevent high blood pressure (HBP or hypertension) from developing in the first place.

If you regularly see a doctor, odds are he or she has also told you to avoid salt, or sometimes he or she may specify sodium as the thing to avoid.

The myth that sodium intake was related to blood pressure took root in the early 70s based on observational studies of populations that had little sodium intake and low blood pressure, writes Gary Taube, the author of a number of books that challenge conventional medical wisdom. With no actual “science” to back up these observations (nor any consideration that other factors may also be at play) — aside from rat studies in which the rats were inundated with massive quantities of sodium — the National Institutes of Health began introducing High Blood Pressure Education programs touting the sodium consumption = high blood pressure myth.

Even though numerous studies over the years have failed to establish conclusively that sodium intake raises blood pressure, the myth continues. And conversely, a number of studies over the years have shown that low-salt diets are harmful to health. That’s because low-salt diets can lead to deficiencies in necessary minerals and nutrients like potassium and magnesium, calcium, iodine, zinc and iron.

If salt weren’t necessary, why would the body crave it? And why is it that one of the first treatments you receive upon hospitalization is a saline IV drip? Saline is salt water.

Now a new study by the prestigious Framingham Heart Study, a project of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and Boston University, has found that lowering sodium intake does not reduce blood pressure and, in fact, consuming less than 2,500 milligrams of sodium daily is associated with high blood pressure.

The study also found that sufficient levels of potassium and magnesium had more impact on blood pressure and heart disease, and that most Americans don’t get enough of either nutrient.

But you should not consume table salt (sodium chloride) because it is toxic and dangerous in the long term. All the beneficial nutrients have been cooked out of it. It causes dehydration and cellular fluid imbalance.

Processed salt can also damage your DNA. Telomeres are located at the tips of each of our 46 chromosomes. Every time a cell divides, the telomeres become a little shorter. When you are older, your cells have divided many times and your telomeres have shortened significantly. It is believed that the shortening of telomeres is an important reason that older people are more prone to cancer and disease.

Lowering your intake of processed salt may slow down telomere shortening and not only extend life, but slow the cellular aging process that plays an important role in the development of disease.

But natural sea salt is different so we use it instead.  Think of sea salt, which is unrefined, as a whole, living food, because that’s just what it is. Its mineral content promotes your best possible life function and gives you incredible cellular health.

You only need very small amounts of these minerals to better the function of your body systems. They rejuvenate your electrolyte supply and rebalance your acid/alkaline levels.

How does sea salt accomplish this? Sea salt is only 84 percent sodium chloride and the other 16 percent is mineral content: as many as 80 minerals (depending on the brand), including magnesium, calcium, sulfur, bromide, iodine, zinc, potassium and iron.

These mineral electrolytes are used within the body much differently than processed sodium chloride. You’ll find sea salt doesn’t cause swelling like sodium chloride does. In addition, natural salts from plants are also used by the body for the reversal of disease.

Over the past several years, I’ve received many reports of simple sea salt (¼ to ½ teaspoon per day) in a glass of water allegedly curing people of Type II diabetes and various forms of arthritis.

There are many kinds of sea salt: Mediterranean, Himalayan, Pacific and many more. They all have slightly different tastes. You can choose whichever you like best. When shopping for sea salt, just be sure that it has not been refined or boiled to produce the crystals. The sea salt should be harvested and allowed to dry by evaporation in order to be labeled “natural.”

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